Strange Guests

Wil Elrick joins us for the Bridges of Sorrows episode (along with returning guest, Lewis O. Powell, IV) and hails from Guntersville in the northeastern part of Alabama. He is a writer and “weirdologist” who loves telling stories, whether as a tour guide to historic Huntsville or with friends around a campfire. He can often be found “off the beaten path” researching historical, weird or unusual tales. From time to time, he can even be found participating in a ghost investigation, a Bigfoot hunt or a search for buried treasure. He previously co-authored the books Alabama Scoundrels: Outlaws, Pirates, Bushwhackers and Bandits and Covered Bridges of Alabama.

Julie Ann Gordon, (joins us on episode 3, Ley of the Land) – The “Weird Side”: In 2004, Julie Ann Gordon purchased a home, to which she had felt a calling for many years.  It was empty, abandoned, if you will. But it kept calling her name.  Upon purchasing the home, it was immediately apparent that it was special. But she knew that prior to the purchase.  After moving in a ready-made family of 6, ALL residents became aware of the unique tendencies of the home.  She lived there 20 years, and longs for more. Aside of the spirits that were more than prevalent, anything magnetic, electronic, electric, or battery-run, had difficulties operating.  Already being empathic, intuitive or whatever you call it, Julie Ann realized this was more than just spirit related.  Her, at the time, very logical husband, began studying the “lay of the land”, if you will.  They called in ghost hunters, unsolved mysteries, and other supernatural companies to help them understand the nature of the happenings.  If Radio Shack had a test site, this would NOT BE IT.  NOTHING worked. If became apparent that this home sat on a LEY LINE.  Now some believe that Ley Lines are only lines between objects of interest.  But she quickly learned that it was more than that.  The home was on a location where two magnetic lines of opposite poles convened.  There were cold spots, hot spots, and just plain SPOTS where nothing would work, dogs (or kids) wouldn’t go and more than the average weird things would transpire.  The meaning of Ley Lines is fluid.  To Julie Ann, it is where two forces meet, thus creating an opening, or a vortex, or a sort.  In her house, it was an opportunity to learn more about the other realms that are aligned with wherever we are right now. Julie Ann has appeared on hundreds of television, radio and satellite interviews including Art Bell, Unsolved Mysteries, Ghost Hunters and oodles of other shows.  She is a medium, or conduit, and shares her energy with those willing and wanting.  It is neither Supernatural, nor Paranormal… but Natural and Normal. 

Elizabeth Parker, who helped us open Season 2 on the show ‘Fairy’ Tales (and she is scheduled for at least 2 more shows!), is the author of Mobile Ghosts I and II, and the compilation collection Haunted Mobile. A psychic medium, Elizabeth’s focus is on helping ghosts with people problems. She is also a Reiki Master, reads Tarot, and is the voice (and hand) behind Polly’s Fancy European Tarot on Facebook and Youtube; with weekly, Full moon, and New moon energy readings posted each month to help readers and viewers navigate the changing energies of Fate. Elizabeth has a foundation and practice in Natural Magic and Paganism, and brings this perspective to her work with ghosts and sorting out the energy of people, places, and things. Find Elizabeth’s Mobile Ghosts on Facebook or email: You can purchase her books on Amazon.

Lewis O. Powell, IV joined us on episode 3 to talk about Southern Spirit Guide (a listing of spooky tales from around the Southeastern United States) which he founded and operates. Lewis shared about how he came to be interested in the paranormal and how he founded Southern Spirit Guide. Lewis is also the tour guide for the Strange LaGarange Tour in LaGrange, Georgia. Find out more about him at his website and Facebook. Purchase tickets for his Strange LaGrange tour on Eventbrite. Lewis also joined us on the episode, Spirits on Stage and is now an ET!!

Kent Rasmussen of the podcast, Mysteries of The Paranormal and Beyond, was our special guest on episode 5 where we talked about the basics of ghost hunting. Kent shared with us how he got started investigating the paranormal over 15 years ago. He founded one of the first paranormal investigation teams, Salem Paranormal, and even produced a livestream show called, Abnormalities which is still available on YouTube. You can listen to his podcast on Spotify. Kent returned for the sequel shows on ghost hunting. Be watching for him again during Season 2!

Al Luna, of Paranormal Spirit Encounter Investigations, was our special guest on August 22, 2020 and shared his experiences in ghost hunting in our 2nd in the series, Do You Hear That? Al also returned for the 3rd show on ghost hunting, Gadgets, as well as our Season 1 recap. Be looking for Al to be with us again soon!