What Does God Need With A Starship?

My favorite line from all of the entirety of the Star Trek franchise. Ok, I have never denied being a Trekkie. Even now I’m watching some of the newest iterations of that historic tv show.

That line is from the movie, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. A movie which has been panned by the critics and many of the fans.

A basic synopsis of the movie was that the Enterprise had been taken over by a renegade Vulcan named Sybok and was taking the crew to the center of the galaxy to meet the Supreme Being. Some called it “God”, while others named it according to their culture & philosophies.

When they arrived, they found an uninhabited planet. Or so they thought. Kirk, Spock, McCoy & Sybok beamed down to the planet and found there was a single, solitary inhabitant: a being who began to take the form of each one’s “god”.

He asked Sybok if he’d brought the starship as he had been instructed to which Sybok replied that he had. This puzzled Kirk and he asked the question above to which the being responded with a bolt of energy that knocked Kirk backwards. Spock & McCoy caught on and repeated the question. I won’t go into the rest of the plot because that line resonated the first time I heard and it continues to do so.

Partly because I loved the way it was delivered and repeated, but also because of how it applies to what’s been running through my brain the past few weeks.

We love each of the topics we cover on Strange Journeys and love discussing them even more. One of the most intriguing has been our Abductions show from a few years ago. We talked about the Travis Walton story and the Pascagoula Abduction in 1973 and there are many, many more like them and they all have similarities with what has become familiar story lines. Starting with Betty & Barney Hill and continuing to this day. I’m sure they’ve been happening throughout all time.

Let me assure you that, in no circumstance, do I question or undermine their individual veracity: I believe that personal experience is the greatest proof that anyone can have and that is one of the primary & basic beliefs of our show.

But, if you’ve learned anything from watching our show the past few years, it is that I like to ask questions. And I have one (that I think I heard someone on one of these fantastical shows that we all enjoy but I don’t remember which one) that has been bothering me for some time now and it refers back to the title of the little treatise: namely, if these beings are so technologically advanced as to be able to travel to our system/time/dimension, then WHY do they need to do physiological/biological experiments on us? They have all these other technological gadgets and abilities, why do they need to stick needles in our eyes, implant foreign objects in our bodies, remove eggs/sperm, or any of the other “medical” procedures they have been reported as doing???

“What does God need with a starship???”

I do not, in any way, want to seem like I’m belittling ANY experiencers; on the contrary, I believe them. I believe they had those experiences and THAT is why I’m asking.

If they are truly THAT advanced, then WHY do they stoop to such barbaric practices? Why not just ‘scan’ them like in Star Trek? They have beams of light that transport a person onto their ships, yes? Some can read thoughts and also project thoughts, right? So then, in my opinion, there should be no need of physically torturing or tormenting human beings. So then, WHY do they do it?

Just my thoughts & questions. Glad I got that off my chest! What do YOU think?

Tom Rouse ©2022

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